Kyle Khachadurian

Episode 20: Bodily Autonomy

We’re taking a break from our miniseries on building a better community and tackling the topic of bodily autonomy. What is bodily autonomy? For a simple definition, we consulted our good friend, Wikipedia, which defines bodily autonomy as: …the inviolability of the physical body and emphasiz[ing] the importance of personal autonomy and the self-determination of human beings over their own…

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Building a Better Community: Carrie Wade

NB: There’s an audio glitch mid-episode that we couldn’t fix. We both thought the episode was more than good enough to publish despite that. Carrie Wade is a staff writer at Autostraddle and she’s someone that we both admire. So it seemed only natural that we’d have her on our show! This is the third episode in…

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Building a Better Community: Defining Ourselves

The disability community is fickle on its best day. This is the second episode in our mini series called Building a Better Community. In this episode, Kyle and Emily discuss our community itself, all thanks to Anderson Cooper’s coverage on drive-by lawsuits specifically as they relate to the ADA. A transcript for this episode can be found here.

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