Kyle Khachadurian

Episode 5: Disability Privilege?!

Kyle and Emily talk about what is perhaps the best kept secret in the disability community: the amount of social privilege (and perks) that can potentially come with having a disability. Join us for a conversation to look into the “Area 51” of disability. A transcript for this episode can be found here.

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Episode 4: Identity and Microphones

Kyle and Emily butt heads this episode of The Accessible Stall that deals with disability and identity. Is disability an identity? How do we connect to our disabilities? Find out! This episode also offers improved audio quality thanks to sweet new microphones. A transcript for this episode can be found here.

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Episode 3: Sex, Dating, Disability

Kyle and Emily get down and dirty about what dating and sex are like when you have a disability. How does dating differ when you’re disabled? And how do disabled people have sex anyway? Find out! Please note that this episode contains discussion of explicit subjects and might not be appropriate for all listeners. A transcript for…

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