Emily Ladau: Hi. I’m Emily Ladau.
Kyle Khachadurian: I’m Kyle Khachadurian.
Emily Ladau: You’re listening to another episode of The Accessible Stall.
Kyle Khachadurian: What are we going to talk about, Emily?
Emily Ladau: I have a story to tell you.
Kyle Khachadurian: I love a good story time episode.
Emily Ladau: I’ve been thinking about it for a while and I don’t really know what to make of it. Maybe you and our fine listeners can help me sort through my thoughts on this. They can’t speak.
Kyle Khachadurian: Me strapping in.
Emily Ladau: You just gave a thumbs up. They can’t.
Kyle Khachadurian: I strapped in with an imaginary seatbelt.
Emily Ladau: Okay. I was at Penn Station a couple of weeks ago as you do. I was sitting right next to a gentleman who was using a hospital-typed wheelchair, and I don’t know how to say this tactfully, but I believe he is homeless because I’ve seen him around Penn Station before. I know that he is not always super clean, unfortunately, or he doesn’t have access to clean clothes. I’m venturing a guess here that he’s homeless. I hate to judge people on appearance, but I think it’s relevant to the story.
He was right next to me, pretty much, maybe like a foot back behind me. I’m waiting for the train to be announced. He’s asking several people who were passing by if they will please help him with his tote bag. All he wants is for someone to hang his tote bag off the back of his wheelchair. He asked so many people who completely ignore him, don’t look him in the eye, won’t help him at all. He kind of backed off a little bit, and he didn’t directly ask me.
I hesitated. I wasn’t really sure if I should offer my assistance and I think I had some kind of mental block because I was like, “Well, I’m on a wheelchair and he’s on a wheelchair. Maybe he’s not asking me for assistance because he doesn’t think that I can help him.” I don’t know if I should offer help because I don’t know how I would feel if I was in that situation.
Anyway, he backed off kind of in the middle of the hallway and he started again asking passengers by and maybe like two or three more minutes passed, and no one helped him. I finally went up to him and offered assistance. It took me exactly 30 seconds to hang his tote bag off the back of his wheelchair and communicate with him to make sure that it was adjusted so that it wouldn’t rub up against his wheel.
All this gentleman wanted help with was a bag. He wasn’t asking people for money. He wasn’t harassing anyone, but it just really bothered me watching how many people refused to help him. I think the reason that it bothered me is because I’ve been in that situation before and I’ve asked a stranger like, “Hey, can you just help me with my tote bag?” And they will.
There’s something in here that I can’t quite figure out about the dichotomy between a White woman in expensive-looking power wheelchair and then this was an older Black gentleman in a hospital wheelchair. One of us being able to get help just for asking and the other one being ignored several times. Then, the only other wheelchair user in the area being the one who ultimately offers the wheelchair user help.
It really drove a lot of layers here. This feels like an onion to me or maybe I’m making too big a deal out of it, but it just really stuck with me. That was the longest story ever and clocks in at like five years. Anyway, the end.
Kyle Khachadurian: Five minutes, five years, give or take. The first thing that I’m going to tell you is that you said this is like an onion rather than saying there’s a lot to unpack here. Are you changing it up for 2020 or is this just particularly oniony?
Emily Ladau: This one feels particularly oniony, but wow, you’re so right. I feel called out, there’s a lot to unpack here.
Kyle Khachadurian: No, fair enough. God, I’m trying to think if anything similar, because I want to throw a wrench into this as it happened to me. I will say that I am not helped on public transportation more than I am helped when I need it. I think that’s because I don’t look as disabled as you. I don’t think I don’t look disabled, but next to you, I don’t. I think if you’re just glancing at me, I probably don’t.
I remember, two or three years ago, I was on a subway train and it broke so bad that it made the news. I was on that train. There were no free seats. All I wanted to do was sit down, and nobody got up. Nobody. I became that exact kind of person on the train that I hate.
At first, I just started asking like normally, like politely. Then, after like the fifth person, I was like, “I’ve had enough of this.” I was like, “Can anybody get up for me, please? I really need…” Eventually, somebody did. It was only one person. I never forgot that.
There’s also been times on the train where I need to sit down and there are no seats but there is like a really large gentleman standing next to me. I told him like, “Hey, can I like lean on you because I need to? Thanks.” They’d say, “Yes.”
I mean that’s obviously not the same thing, but it is interesting to see what people are willing to do and not do when all you need is nothing. See, that man needed 30 seconds of your time. Do you know what I mean? Or somebody’s time. As far as the dynamics between you being the young White girl and this guy being an older Black gentleman, not to mention the appearance of homelessness versus your, I assume, non-appearance of homelessness, yeah, that is certainly very oniony.
Emily Ladau: It just bothered me in so many ways. If we look at it just from the perspective of the fact that the only other visibly disabled person was the one to help the visibly disabled person and although, you can’t separate race and disability, and I’m not trying to do that, but I want to look at it kind of layer by layer, and I want to think about it first on the level of wheelchair user to wheelchair user, I very frequently have helped other wheelchair users and had other wheelchair users and other disabled people help me. I don’t think there’s anything weird about it.
There was something very interesting to me about the fact that he did not ask me for help. He was very willing to accept it when I finally went over and offered it. I was sitting right there the whole time and he was asking people who were walking by for assistance and not once did he direct that question at me.
Kyle Khachadurian: Do you think… well, I guess, it’s part of the same thing. Do you think that was more rooted in like the ableism that is more pity-focus like, “I don’t want to burden this other poor disabled person?” Or do you think that was ableism rooted in the like, “I don’t want this to look like a circus-typed thing?”
Emily Ladau: Yeah, I feel like it might have been the circus thing that almost internalize ableism because I have that too or much less so. I remember several years ago when a big circus group of us went to…I think it was the ReelAbilities Film Festival. Is that right? It was a big old group of us.
Kyle Khachadurian: Ah-huh.
Emily Ladau: I felt like that was big circus, us trying to get on the subway.
Kyle Khachadurian: But you see like I’m like that. It’s totally a little bit of internalized ableism. I don’t know about you, but I have like a threshold where if there’s more than some amount of circus going on, I start to really love it.
Emily Ladau: Now, I do, too. You also went to school at a variable…
Kyle Khachadurian: Yeah, that’s true.
Emily Ladau: …so there’s point where…
Kyle Khachadurian: I’m very desensitized to it. Yeah.
Emily Ladau: Like you were so used to being around disabled people all the time whereas for the longest time, I loved the idea of being around all disabled people, but only when we were hidden away at summer camp and not out in the real world.
Kyle Khachadurian: Right. Don’t want anyone to see what freaks you are.
Emily Ladau: Especially not a group of freaks. Oh, my god.
Kyle Khachadurian: No, I mean, I’m saying that in jest, but like that’s kind of… I mean at least, for me, that’s what the feeling was.
Emily Ladau: Yeah, but not anymore. Now, I don’t care. Bring it on. The more wheelchair users taking up space, the better. The more people are using white canes and crutches and walkers, like take that space up.
Kyle Khachadurian: Hearing you tell that story like I feel a little uncomfortable now and not because you helped somebody. It’s just nobody was willing to him.
Emily Ladau: That was the bigger issue.
Kyle Khachadurian: That really bothers me because I know I would have done it. I know that’s easy for me to say, saying it and sitting here now listening to you, but I really would have helped him.
Emily Ladau: Yeah.
Kyle Khachadurian: I wouldn’t even think about it.
Emily Ladau: I think the thing that bothered me the most, and I have had this happened to me, too, perhaps on a much different level but this literal cloak of invisibility almost, it’s like having forbid you don’t present as a certain type of person. It’s like people see right through you, don’t even hear that you were asking for assistance.
Interestingly, after I assisted him and was about to go catch my train, he was holding his coat in his hand and it fell on the floor. He asked a woman to help him pick it up. She helped him pick it up. Something to me just says no one could be bothered to take two seconds to listen to him when he was trying to explain what he needed help with because it wasn’t obvious that he needed help with the tote bag. But you see a coat on the floor, it’s more obvious, you don’t have to do any listening, you just know.
Kyle Khachadurian: It’s also like I almost want to say that it’s like a fear to help because you’re afraid that you might do the wrong thing. The reason I don’t want to pause at that, although I do enough to want to bring it up, is that people loved to help us all the time without any asking or prompt whatsoever so it’s a big weird when somebody’s literally asking for it and everyone has something better to do. I appreciate that they were in a train station and it’s always busy, but still.
Emily Ladau: Yeah, there was something about the visual of this gentleman sitting in the middle of the train station literally just wanting a bag handle on his wheelchair handle and still not getting the help that he asked. I feel guilty for not just offering help right away, but I was having my own internalized ableist conversation with myself.
Kyle Khachadurian: Do I help him? Do I not help him? Is it weird if I help him? Right?
Emily Ladau: Yeah, what a ridiculous conversation to be having with myself. I’m sitting there. Why isn’t he asking me? I’m right here. I can help him. If I needed help, I would ask him. You’re also absolutely right, the point that you made about the fact that people are willing to poise their help upon us when we don’t want it but having forbid you ask.
Kyle Khachadurian: To be fair though, those are usually in what they perceived as obvious situations, too. You’re also still right that it’s usually holding a door open or something, but still. I feel like if you’re willing to do that where it’s obvious, it’s not that much effort to take 30 seconds out of your day to listen to what they might mean because I mean they know what they need, they’ll tell you. They know you don’t know, right?
Emily Ladau: I also have these visions of some kind of social experiment where you have me on one side of the train station asking people for help and then this gentleman on the other side of the train station and see how people react differently and I’m a hundred percent sure it will prove that White privilege of the thing but…
Kyle Khachadurian: I mean I don’t think our listeners need proof. In case you do, no, that’s like… even next time you see him, you should bring that up. It’s like what would you do that show where people don’t do anything.
Emily Ladau: Yeah. But then you also have the people who get really, really worked up and freaked out and immediately jump to the person’s aid. It’s like there’s no in between. People are like very impassioned about how we must help this person or they’re ignorant.
Kyle Khachadurian: Now, I know that you said there’s obvious layers here and intersections. I know that this is an onion that we’re taking layer by layer.
Emily Ladau: Or a safe case that we’re unpacking.
Kyle Khachadurian: I think what you just said applies only or very mostly to disability. Maybe I’m wrong but I think that the whole all or nothing when it comes to help is something that is uniquely us. I will say it that way.
Emily Ladau: For sure, but I also think that race place into how all or nothing things can get.
Kyle Khachadurian: Of course. Oh, yeah.
Emily Ladau: It really makes me wonder. Gosh, this is going to sound so cliché. Why can’t we all just help each other? When asked, or when it’s really needed or prompted, why is it so hard to take 30 seconds to stop and help someone?
Kyle Khachadurian: Because homeless people, they’re mean and scary and I don’t like them. That’s what it is. Like what else is it?
Emily Ladau: I don’t know this is totally related but on the flip side, there was a homeless transperson, and I know they were trans because their sign said so, that they were holding.
Kyle Khachadurian: Their sign said so. Oh, oh, right.
Emily Ladau: They had a cardboard sign and it’s saying something about being a transperson. As I was rolling by, they specifically said, “Watch out for this big crack in the sidewalk.” They were absolutely right. There was a huge crack that my wheel would have gotten stuck in. I thought that was incredibly kind of them to say that to me. I actually turned around, went back, and gave them a little money. It was a freezing cold night and I said, “I can’t do much, but please go get hot chocolate or something, I don’t know. I just want to say thank you. That was very kind of you to look out for me while I was rolling by. I feel like this is the least I can do.” This is not super related to what happened to the train station but it also kind of makes me think there’s this flip side where homeless people are willing to help other people but we’re not willing to take five seconds.
Kyle Khachadurian: I would say they are, and I think this is about to become homeless people are awesome with Kyle and Emily because I have stories, too. In fact, I’ve got two just right off the top of my head.
Emily Ladau: Yeah, I definitely… I want to hear this because I’m curious. Although I will say… I want to hear your story. There’s a flip side to the flip side, like we’re flipping a lot of stuff here.
Kyle Khachadurian: Triangular dice.
Emily Ladau: Sometimes, I have the opposite of that happened. Instead of a homeless person like extending that level of kindness to me, I’ll have homeless people be near me, asked everyone around me for money and not asked me.
Kyle Khachadurian: Oh, yeah. That happened. I usually get asked but whenever I’m with you or anyone who doesn’t look typical life, like able bodied, I guess, whatever that means.
Emily Ladau: Yeah, it’s like people asking for directions. They’ll ask everyone around me, but they won’t ask me. Anyway, it’s very nuance and complicated and I don’t know that I have answers. I just know that this is a lot to think through. I want to hear your stories about helpful homeless people.
Kyle Khachadurian: I’ve got two. When we were coming home from Virginia. We took that Amtrak train to Penn Station. It was one in the morning and I needed to get home because I was very tired.
Emily Ladau: That was a great time.
Kyle Khachadurian: Yes, it was. I had my giant suitcase, my laptop. Everything was heavy and I wanted to get a cab. I walked up the stairs from Penn Station, and I stood in the corner. I stood there for a few minutes and a voice from the night said that I was going to have trouble getting a cab and that I should try to take the train. I was like, “Yeah, whatever.” Yeah, I ignored it at first.
Then, he came up to me and he was like, “I’m serious you’re going to have a really hard time getting a cab.” I was like, “Okay.” I’m fully… I’m going to tell you right now I was a little spooked because it was dark, and this man came right up to me without any provocation whatsoever. He was very clearly homeless because he told me. I was like, “All right, this is going to be a problem,” because I had my old little frequency of notions. I told him, I was like, “Hey, I really need to take a cab. There’s no way I can take this all on the train.” I just said that like a throwaway comment trying to sort of ease the situation.
This guy sprinted out into the street into oncoming traffic, because of course he did like… and he got a cab to stop. He made the cabbie popped his trunk, he picked up my… I didn’t ask him to do any of these. He picked up my luggage, put it in the back of the cab and he made the cabbie roll down his window, he said, “Take him home, his legs are effed up. He needs help getting into this cab.” I guess he saw me climb the stairs or something. I didn’t even know what to say except for thank you and he told me his name was Paul and to tell my dad, “Happy Father’s Day,” because it was Father’s Day.
Emily Ladau: Paul?
Kyle Khachadurian: I know right. What a guy.
Emily Ladau: I remember this story now but now that you’re telling me again, it’s been like vivid detail, and wow.
Kyle Khachadurian: Then, the other time. It was another time with you and it was very dark and I was walking either to the train station or to a cab or whatever and I tripped over this homeless one and I felt really bad because I just didn’t see her.
Emily Ladau: I remember this.
Kyle Khachadurian: She apologized to me. I was like, “Why are you saying sorry? I hurt you by mistake.” “What, no, I’m sorry.” Then, someone, some random like, I’m going to call her like Karen came up to me and she asked me if I was okay because she saw me tripped over this lady. She was like, “That woman was such an idiot.” I was like, “No, she was really nice.” She was just being there. It was just a big… like it was the worst thing, but, yeah, those are my two stories.
Emily Ladau: Yeah. I definitely, definitely remember both of those. The intersection of homelessness and race and disability and then the interactions between disabled people and homeless people, whether or not they have a disability, it’s really interesting to me.
Kyle Khachadurian: Yeah.
Emily Ladau: There’s a lot of complicated dynamics there. I mean in reference to what I was saying before, sometimes I honestly feel like there are homeless people I’ve encountered who seem to think that I’m less privileged than them in some way and therefore they shouldn’t bother me for money.
Kyle Khachadurian: Well, otherwise, I wouldn’t ask you. I think that’s somewhere in their head they do think that.
Emily Ladau: Meanwhile, I recognize that maybe I’m less physically privileged than them but certainly, I’m more financially privileged and housing privileged. I want to help where I can, but it feels weird when I’m not asked. It’s like, “Oh, oh, my money, you don’t want my money? Okay.” I know that’s like such an awful thing to say because of course they don’t want to be asking for anyone’s money.
Kyle Khachadurian: No, but then, but you also, I don’t want to speak for you but like I know when it’s me, I don’t want to be presumptuous or assume they need it. Like I could just be a guy for all I know.
Emily Ladau: Right, but I’m talking about when it’s a crowded area.
Kyle Khachadurian: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Emily Ladau: Specifically, if I pass by almost, for example, I’m not going to make assumptions about what someone who is not me needs in there.
Kyle Khachadurian: Right. I know. I didn’t mean to point that.
Emily Ladau: When they specifically come up to you, like people have asked Eli, but not me.
Kyle Khachadurian: Yes, see, that to me is very strange. There’s something that they think about you that even though they’re in, what I would call, dire financial strains, you’re not worth asking.
Emily Ladau: Yeah. It’s an interesting situation to be in and I don’t know if I even have any conclusions about this. If I’m being quite honest, I just feel like it’s something that people don’t really talk about, the interesting privileged dynamics at play and the ableism, both internal or external that comes into play around these kinds of interactions.
At the end of the day, I’m glad that I helped the guy with his tote bag because quite frankly, I think it made sense to have other wheelchair user helping him because most of the time when I have non-wheelchair users who helped me, they don’t get that there’s a certain way to put the bag on so that it doesn’t rub at the wheel.
Kyle Khachadurian: Yeah, there you go. You were his little bit of relief. He didn’t have to explain it to you.
Emily Ladau: He was like super nice and said thank you. It was like a fine interaction, but it’s going to stick with me for a while largely because I think other people sucked. I really wished that someone would have just provided assistance when asked.
Kyle Khachadurian: It’s so easy not to suck, unbelievable. Again, I know this is a train station. This is like the one area that’s like famously full of homeless people and also famously like you got to keep your card up because there’s also like a bunch of thieves and pickpockets around, not that Penn Station is like the most dangerous place ever, but it’s a place where you got to be careful. But I just can’t imagine if only the man wanted was his bag picked from the floor or put in his wheelchair or something, it’s… yeah, that bothers me. I don’t know.
Emily Ladau: You know what’s funny? Sometimes, I’ll be sitting and waiting either for like you to get off the train or Eli to get off the train or a friend or whatever, and I’ll just be sitting minding my own business and people will approach me and ask if I need help. I’m like, “What about me suggests to you that I need help? I’m not asking. I don’t look like I’m in distress.”
Kyle Khachadurian: See. That points see like… Now, I would say that the situation in your story points more, at least a little more to racism, or at least to anti-homelessness or something because if…
Emily Ladau: Racism, ableism, yeah.
Kyle Khachadurian: Yeah.
Emily Ladau: A big old party of the two.
Kyle Khachadurian: Well, just because that’s what you guys have in common, is you both wheelchaired, you’re just perfect strangers come up to you and ask you if you need help when you don’t and that has…
Emily Ladau: But avoid him at all costs.
Kyle Khachadurian: Yeah. I would say that that means that there’s a little bit less to do with why they were avoiding him. I mean, obvious, I’m pulling this around, but I could be wrong. But, yeah, that’s so terrible though.
Emily Ladau: No, it makes a lot of sense. Oh, god, I don’t want to be cheesy, but my takeaway really is just take five seconds and help people. I guess, my other takeaway is don’t underestimate other people’s ability to help you.
Kyle Khachadurian: Right. You know, well, I’m making this up, but there’s a mother and a small child who saw you do that, who saw the wheelchaired lady helped the poor wheelchaired man and like, “You see, this is why you should be good in the world.”
Emily Ladau: Probably, right. I’m sure. How am I not on the evening news?
Kyle Khachadurian: I was going to say that before, but I don’t want you to get mad at me.
Emily Ladau: I’m not mad at you.
Kyle Khachadurian: I was literally going to say exact thing. Why hasn’t ABC run a story? I was prepared for that.
Emily Ladau: Oh, my god. No, but really, that is exactly the kind of whole set stories.
Kyle Khachadurian: That’s exactly the kind of thing. That would be on the news, yeah.
Emily Ladau: I love that you didn’t say it because you thought I would get mad at you. You know, but it’s so true.
Kyle Khachadurian: Oh, my god, I love that you did say because it finally gotten out. It’s exactly what would be on the news. I wish it was. We have so much more to talk about, how nonsense… that you want to talk about layers. What kind of layers? Like a whole crew showed up…
Emily Ladau: That would be one sick onion.
Kyle Khachadurian: Yeah, but like you had a whole like camera crew showed up, right, but no one picked up the bag or like somebody’s willing to film you picking up the bag but wouldn’t pick it up themselves.
Emily Ladau: Is it terrible that I literally feel like that would happen? Or the news anchor would be like, “Can you just take that bag off and just do that again for the camera?”
Kyle Khachadurian: Then, the guy would be upset and like swear at them because he had somewhere to be and like now, the anchor is left with like, “Homeless people,” right?
Emily Ladau: “Cripples.”
Kyle Khachadurian: Oh, my god. I can totally like… it’s not that I can imagine it. I can like beyond imagine it.
Emily Ladau: I have the whole news story produced in my head.
Kyle Khachadurian: Yeah, I can see the [00:28:51 inaudible] and everything.
Emily Ladau: That’s a problem.
Kyle Khachadurian: Yeah, no, I know. That’s a whole other episode.
Emily Ladau: Yeah. You know what, when those stories every once and a while go viral of like nice young man helps person using a walker cross the street or like look at this food service worker assisting someone eating their dinner. Yeah, oh, my god. But if both people were in wheelchairs? Oh, my god.
Kyle Khachadurian: Hey, I want the head of the ABC on the phone because I’ve got an idea.
Emily Ladau: Hello, ABC, I have a story that will warm the cockles of everyone’s hearts.
Kyle Khachadurian: Yeah, now, I know.
Emily Ladau: God. It is so bad how we can make fun of it but it’s super realistic and if I had been at the right place at the right time and there are the camera crew there, that would have been viral. No, not a camera crew, somebody with an iPhone.
Kyle Khachadurian: Cellphone, yeah.
Emily Ladau: What are you talking about? If that interaction had lasted a split second longer, somebody could have taken out their cellphone and started filming me.
Kyle Khachadurian: I’m just saying watch out because next week…
Emily Ladau: Why was this not the point of the episode, our episode right now?
Kyle Khachadurian: We made another… we made more points. This was just a really good one.
Emily Ladau: Yeah. That bothered me on another level that I haven’t thought of, but it really bugged me.
Kyle Khachadurian: Oh, man, I kept it to myself. I had it already to go, man.
Emily Ladau: I’m sure you didn’t know. I mean it’s obvious thought like I’m glad that we got it out in the open.
Kyle Khachadurian: That is so bad that we can think about that.
Emily Ladau: That would make excellent satire if we get ourselves on Youtube.
Kyle Khachadurian: Oh, my god. We should do that. It will be a little insensitive, but we do make a larger point.
Emily Ladau: No, it’s not insensitive.
Kyle Khachadurian: No, no, I mean if we would act it out.
Emily Ladau: Yes, yes, yes.
Kyle Khachadurian: But to your point though we still… like that’s a good idea.
Emily Ladau: Not that particular scenario but there are plenty of place on that scenario. Oh, my god, but literally, wheelchair bound person helps other wheelchair bound person.
Kyle Khachadurian: You know what you should do? You, as the said pathetic wheelchair bound person should sell lemonade to wipe out some six years old’s medical debt or one’s debt, or something and a local news station will really repackage that as like a feel good story and meanwhile it’s like the actual most depressing everything wrong with America in five minutes story.
Emily Ladau: The only people who will be in line to buy my lemonade will be other disabled people.
Kyle Khachadurian: Oh, yeah, with like various disabilities that all have some effect on appearance because that’s all anyone cares about when it comes to feeling good about being disabled. Well, not us, but…
Emily Ladau: Of course, right, you have to see it to believe it.
Kyle Khachadurian: Right, right.
Emily Ladau: According to the media.
Kyle Khachadurian: God, are we terrible or are we geniuses? I don’t know.
Emily Ladau: No. I think we’re realists who are conditioned to expect this kind of crap.
Kyle Khachadurian: That so much like we could literally write the [00:32:22 AP]. I mean AP wouldn’t run this, but you know what I’m saying. My final takeaway is echoing your final takeaway, which is cheating but honestly…
Emily Ladau: That’s fine.
Kyle Khachadurian: Can we just all be good to each other, please?
Emily Ladau: That didn’t seem so hard, does it?
Kyle Khachadurian: I know that sounded sarcastic but like can we try it? If we don’t like, then we can go back to this. Can we try it first? Just to see what it feels.
Emily Ladau: Oh, we can go back to being… to each other.
Kyle Khachadurian: Well, because no one’s ever tried being good all the times so maybe it’s the worse. No, I’m just playing, but honestly, we should all be good to each other. That’s the final takeaway.
Emily Ladau: I think that’s a great takeaway. I think we should go with that.
Kyle Khachadurian: This has been another episode of The Accessible Stall. I’m Kyle. She’s Emily.
Emily Ladau: You know how you can support us.
Kyle Khachadurian: How can we support us? They support us. We support. They support us.
Emily Ladau: You can go to patreon.com/theaccessiblestall. Is it The Accessible Stall or just Accessible Stall?
Kyle Khachadurian: It is The Accessible Stall.
Emily Ladau: As I was saying, patreon.com/theaccessiblestall. Even just one-dollar amount will help us continue to ensure that this podcast of The Accessible, and we will transcribe it so that everyone can enjoy it.
Kyle Khachadurian: Plus, our transcriber really likes to eat.
Emily Ladau: Food is so good.
Kyle Khachadurian: It’s important to stay alive.
Emily Ladau: Yes. Let’s support disabled people and be excellent to each other.
Kyle Khachadurian: Might we say you look great today.
Emily Ladau: Thanks so much for listening.
Kyle Khachadurian: See you next time.
Emily Ladau: Bye.