Podcast Episodes

Here are our episodes

This is where you’ll find all of our old podcast episodes. It’s an archive that lets you to listen to every episode we’ve ever recorded. Each one of these podcast episodes highlights different but important issues within the disability community. We strive to make our community better and with every episode we record, we get closer to that goal. We challenge the “expected” of the disability community whenever possible, and some of our best episodes are the ones in which we must confront our own biases. Our podcast episodes are there to give you a look into the world of disability. These issues might not affect you, as a listener, so we try to offer a “behind the curtain” look.

We welcome you to listen to us, and hopefully you will have enjoyed listening as much as we’ve enjoyed creating this. Making these is a labor of love, and we’re happy you’re along for the ride with us.

Episode 4: Identity and Microphones

Kyle and Emily butt heads this episode of The Accessible Stall that deals with disability and identity. Is disability an identity? How do we connect to our disabilities? Find out! This episode also offers improved audio quality thanks to sweet new microphones. A transcript for this episode can be found here.

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Episode 3: Sex, Dating, Disability

Kyle and Emily get down and dirty about what dating and sex are like when you have a disability. How does dating differ when you’re disabled? And how do disabled people have sex anyway? Find out! Please note that this episode contains discussion of explicit subjects and might not be appropriate for all listeners. A transcript for…

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Episode 2: Help

Kyle and Emily talk about disability and different kinds of help in this episode of The Accessible Stall.  People who are visibly disabled are often subjected to help from non-disabled people – sometimes unwelcome, sometimes without even first being asked. How should disabled people respond in situations like this? And what should non-disabled people do differently? Hear…

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